
About us

What are we doing?

kofert Organic offers a practical and efficient solution for managing animal and play waste, playing a crucial role in combating climate change and promoting sustainability through the process of aerobic fermentation and composting.

Sustainable Development Goals

The project contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

SDG 4: Quality Education

The project can indirectly contribute to Objective 4 by raising awareness and promoting education on sustainable waste management practices and agricultural sustainability within the community.

ODD 5: Gender equality

The project will ensure equal opportunities for men and women in terms of employment, decision-making and benefit sharing.

ODD 8: Decent work and economic growth

The creation of new jobs in the waste collection, processing and energy generation sectors contributes to the objective of promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

ODD 12: Responsible consumption and production

By reducing manure waste and turning it into valuable resources (compost), the project supports the goal of ensuring sustainable patterns of consumption and production.

ODD 13: Climate action

The project contributes to mitigating climate change by reducing methane emissions resulting from composting organic waste in landfills.

What do we offer?

Project benefits

kofert Organic aims to tackle two urgent challenges simultaneously: managing manure waste and improving soil health.
Through partnerships with livestock farms and agricultural enterprises, we implement a sustainable solution to turn manure into compost through aerobic composting. Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, the project promotes the transition to a circular economy, reducing carbon emissions through the production of organic fertilizer and reducing the storage of animal manure. In addition to the two challenges addressed, the project brings many benefits, including: reducing emissions, reducing costs, generating green jobs, reducing odors and others.

Reducing emissions

Aerobic composting minimizes emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, by promoting aerobic decomposition of organic matter, which produces mainly small amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Sustainable product

Valuable fertilizer for agriculture, especially for the vegetable and flower sectors, which can replace large amounts of chemical fertilizers.

Cost reduction

It turns manure from waste into a reusable good, helping to reduce the costs of manure management and generate income by selling a fully sanitized natural fertilizer with a complex fertilizing structure.

Ecological jobs

The project can generate employment opportunities in areas such as waste collection, operation of the composting facility and sale of compost, contributing to local economic development.

Odor reduction

Properly managed aerobic composting reduces odors and pests often associated with anaerobic decomposition of waste, leading to improved community health and well-being.

Circular economy

We contribute to sustainable development goals, promote the transition to a circular economy and reduce carbon emissions through the production of organic fertilizer and by reducing the storage of animal manure.

Creăm produse pentru a satisface
nevoile voastre

Numele proiectului

Reducerea emisiilor de metan prin compostarea gunoiului de grajd la Kofert Organic, Mihailesti, Romania.

Prezentul proiect vizează implementarea unui “sistem industrial organizat” pentru producerea de îngrășăminte organice de înaltă eficiență.

Obiectivul proiectului

Obiectivul principal al KOFERT ORGANIC SRL este de a produce ingrasamant
organic solid, asa cum este definit in REGULAMENTUL (UE) 2019/1009 al
Parlamentului European si al Consiliului din 5 iunie 2019, utilizand strict materii

Produsul final

Produsul final este un îngrășământ organic granulat stabil, stabil, igienic, omogen, de înaltă eficiență. Aceasta linie de compostare funcționează continuu și este automatizată, capacitatea de procesare fiind în medie de 60-70 de tone de gunoi de grajd/zi cu un conținut de umiditate de aproximativ 55% la intrare.


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